Indoor Gardening During Winter: Cultivating Greenery and Comfort

Indoor Gardening During Winter_ Edmonton Lawn Care Gardening

Indoor Gardening During Winter: Cultivating Greenery and Comfort

As winter’s chill settles in, many garden enthusiasts face the challenge of longing for the vibrancy of their gardens while being confined indoors. However, the colder months need not be devoid of greenery and life. Indoor gardening during winter is a rewarding and therapeutic endeavour.  It does not only help to nurture your well-being and beat back the winter blues; it also adds lushness to your living spaces. 

In this comprehensive guide, let us learn about the art of indoor gardening, right from choosing the right plants to caring for them throughout the winter months.

  1. Selecting the Right Plants for Indoor Gardening

Choosing the right plants is the first step in creating an indoor garden oasis.  Examine the following factors when making your selections:

  • Purpose: Consider your goals for indoor gardening. Are you looking to cultivate edible herbs and vegetables, enhance décor or just improve air quality? Your goals will influence your plant choices.
  • Maintenance Level: Review your commitment to plant care. Some plants are low-maintenance and can thrive even with occasional neglect, while others require more constant attention.
  • Space and Size: Give a thought to the available space in your home. Some indoor plants require larger pots and floor space.  But plants like small herbs or compact dwarf varieties are well-suited for windowsills and tabletops.  Shelves provide lots of planting room while taking up little space. If using shelves, make sure that adequate light reaches every plant. This may require a separate grow light for each shelf.
  • Light Requirements: When selecting houseplants for indoor gardening, it is important to consider their light requirements. Different plants have varying light needs.  Some plants prefer low-light conditions or indirect sunlight from a nearby window, while others need bright sunlight.  Consider the natural light available in your indoor space.  North-facing windows have the least light while east and west-facing windows usually offer moderate light.  Likewise, south-facing windows mostly receive the most light and as such, are suited for sun-loving plants like cacti. Plants like snake plants thrive in low light or artificial light. 
  • Temperature Tolerance: An ideal temperature range between 16-22°C is considered suitable for indoor plants.  Make sure that the plants you select can survive in the temperature range of your indoor environment. 
  • Humidity Requirements: A lack of humidity in the house can pose problems for indoor gardeners. If your indoor environment is dry, place a tray of water near your plant or use a humidifier to increase humidity.   
  1. Essential Indoor Gardening Supplies

The following basic indoor gardening supplies are essential for successful indoor gardening: 

Pots and Containers

Make sure that your pots are of the appropriate size for your chosen plants and that there is enough room for root growth.  As a rule, go in for pots that are 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the plant’s current pot.  The pots should have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.  

Place broken pottery or a layer of gravel or at the bottom of the pot to allow drainage.  Saucers should be placed under the pots to catch the excess water. 

Plant Shelves or Stands: 

Ideally, your plants should be placed on a higher level to ensure maximum exposure to light and free up countertop or floor space.

Potting Mix: 

Look for a high-quality potting mix appropriate for your plants. Different plants have different soil needs, such as well-draining mixtures for succulents and cacti.  Ensure that it provides the necessary nutrients.   Choose an all-purpose potting mix that includes fertilizer already mixed in for convenience’s sake. 

Gardening tools

Invest in the following tools for gardening:

  • Watering can with a narrow spout for precise watering.
  • Scissors or small pruning shears on hand for regular maintenance, such as deadheading spent blooms or trimming unruly growth.
  • Gardening gloves to protect your hands while working with the plants.
  • Gardening shovel
  • Spray bottle

Plant Labels: 

Use plant labels or markers to identify your plants and keep track of their care requirements.

Grow Lights: 

If natural light is limited, consider supplemental grow lights to ensure your plants receive adequate light for photosynthesis.

  1. Planting and Potting

Once you have chosen your plants and gathered supplies, it is time to pot them:

  • Planting: Take out the plant gently from its nursery pot, taking care not to damage the roots.  Place it in the centre of the new pot, making sure that the top of the root ball is level with the top of the pot.
  • Insert the potting mix around the plant, pressing it down gently to get rid of air pockets. Leave about an inch of space between the rim of the pot and the top of the soil to allow for watering.
  • Water Thoroughly: After completing the potting, water the plant thoroughly to settle the soil and hydrate the roots.
  1. Light and Temperature Management

Adequate light and temperature control are necessary for the success of your indoor gardening:

  • Lighting: Position your plants keeping in mind their light requirements. Rotate their position regularly to ensure even growth and prevent leaning toward the light source.
  • TemperatureKeep a consistent indoor temperature that is suitable for the plants chosen by you. Keep plants away from radiators and hot air vents. Be cautious of drafts from windows and doors, as extreme temperature fluctuations can stress plants.  
  • Artificial Light: Where natural light is not enough, consider putting up LED grow lights. These are energy-efficient and provide the full spectrum of light necessary for plant growth.
  1. Watering and Humidity

The importance of proper watering for healthy indoor plants cannot be understated. 

  • Watering Frequency: Water your plants thoroughly but allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can stress plants. Ensure that the excess water runs through the drain holes of your pot or container. Empty saucers promptly after watering to prevent plants from sitting in standing water.
  • Humidity: Some plants, especially tropical varieties, benefit from higher humidity levels. Increase humidity by misting your plants or placing a tray of water near them.
  • Water Quality: Always use room-temperature water to avoid shocking your plants. If your tap water contains high levels of minerals, consider using distilled or filtered water.
  1. Fertilizing and Maintenance

To encourage healthy growth, provide proper nutrition and regular maintenance:

  • Fertilization: Plants grown indoors will need an extra boost of nutrients or fertilizer since most of the nutrients in the soil or growing medium are quickly taken up by the plants or leached out during watering.  There are various types of organic fertilizers and hydroponic nutrients for indoor plants. Feed your indoor plants with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) every 4-6 weeks. Reduce or eliminate fertilization during the dormant season (fall and winter).  
  • Pruning and Deadheading: Regularly remove dead or yellowing leaves and spent flowers to encourage new growth and maintain plant aesthetics.
  • Pest and Disease ManagementMonitor your plants for signs of pests or disease, such as discoloured or distorted leaves. Treat issues promptly with appropriate remedies.
  1. Edible Indoor Gardens: Herbs and Vegetables

Indoor gardening offers the opportunity to grow fresh herbs and vegetables year-round.  Some plants are better suited for indoor gardening than others, and usually, the determining factor is the root system. Make sure you research the proper care and environmental needs of each plant you grow to get a good idea of what your set-up needs to look like. 

  • Herbs: 
  • Popular indoor herbs include basil, parsley, mint, and rosemary. Place them in well-lit areas for best results.
  • Vegetables
  • Compact varieties of vegetables like cherry tomatoes, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, scallions, carrots and peppers can thrive indoors.   Ensure that there is adequate light and room for growth.
  1. Benefits of Indoor Gardening During Winter
  • Indoor gardening offers a range of benefits beyond adding greenery to your living spaces:
  • Enhanced Air Quality: Many indoor plants improve air quality by removing pollutants and increasing oxygen levels.
  • Stress Reduction: Caring for plants has been shown to reduce stress, improve your mood and promote relaxation and mental well-being.  It is a good way of beating the winter blues!
  • Connection to Nature: Indoor gardening provides a sense of connection to nature, especially during the winter months when outdoor activities may be limited. It helps you to feel grounded and feel the calming effects of nature without actually going outside
  • Decor Enhancement: Lush green plants can enhance the aesthetics of your home, providing a calming and inviting atmosphere.
  • Edible Harvest: Growing herbs and vegetables indoors ensures a fresh supply of ingredients for your culinary endeavours.  Nothing can beat the taste of fresh, homegrown food straight from the garden. Fresh vegetables not only taste better but they have superior nutrition content as well.
  1. Overwintering Outdoor Plants Indoors

In addition to cultivating indoor plants, consider overwintering outdoor plants that are not frost-tolerant:

  • Digging and Potting: Before the first frost damages the foliage, carefully dig up outdoor plants like geraniums or fuchsias and pot them.  Treat for disease and insects before bringing the plants indoors.   Place them in a sunny indoor location and add humidity using pebble trays or spray bottles so that they continue to grow during the winter.  Do not fertilize – plants require little if any, fertilizer during the winter months due to lower light intensity levels. 
  • Pruning: Trim back outdoor plants to a manageable size before bringing them indoors.
  • Adequate Light and water: Be careful not to overwater.  Plants inside will not use as much water as they did outside. Ensure they receive adequate light and proper care as outlined above.
  1. Preparing for Spring

As winter transitions to spring, prepare your indoor plants for the upcoming growing season:

  • Repotting: Assess whether your plants have outgrown their containers and consider repotting them into larger pots with fresh potting mix.
  • Pruning and Fertilizing: Trim and prune your plants when active growth begins in the spring.  Remove any dead or leggy growth to maintain shape and vitality.  When this new growth starts, fertilize lightly with a water-soluble fertilizer.
  • Acclimatization: When outdoor temperatures are suitable, acclimate your indoor plants slowly to outdoor conditions to avoid stress, if you plan to move them outdoors for the warmer months. Indoor winter gardening is a great way to bring life and colour into your home during the cold months of the year.  It is a fulfilling and nurturing hobby that brings the beauty and benefits of nature into your home year-round. Whether you are cultivating lush foliage, aromatic herbs, or fresh vegetables, tending to your indoor garden can be a source of joy and tranquillity during the colder months. With the right plants and some knowledge of how to care for them, you can create beautiful indoor gardens that bring life into your home throughout the winter season and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you grow vegetables year-round in Alberta?
Growing vegetables year-round in Alberta, especially during harsh winters, often involves indoor gardening or utilizing controlled environments like greenhouses. Opt for cold-hardy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and certain varieties of lettuce that can withstand lower temperatures. Utilize indoor hydroponic or container systems with proper lighting and temperature control to cultivate these vegetables during the winter months. Additionally, consider starting seeds indoors early in the year to transplant once the outdoor conditions permit.

Can you grow indoor plants in winter?
Absolutely! Indoor plants can thrive during winter, offering a vibrant touch to your home despite the cold outside. Choose plants that tolerate lower light conditions typical of winter months, such as snake plants, pothos, or certain fern varieties. Ensure they receive adequate light and maintain consistent watering habits to support their growth. Supplemental lighting, like grow lights, can also be beneficial for indoor plants during the darker winter days.

What can I grow indoors over the winter?
Several plants flourish indoors during the winter months in Alberta. Herbs like basil, cilantro, and mint can be grown on windowsills or under artificial light. Leafy greens such as lettuce, kale, and spinach thrive indoors with proper care. Other options include microgreens, which are quick-growing and ideal for indoor cultivation, providing a fresh addition to your meals throughout winter. Experiment with various plants suited for indoor conditions to maintain a green and thriving indoor garden during the colder months.